femoral vein cat
These structures are somewhat different from that of the ruminant. The medial saphenous or femoral vein which is located on the medial aspect of the rear leg is used to obtain small volumes of blood primarily in feline patients. Pin On Nursing School And Study Guides In the human body the femoral vein is a blood vessel that accompanies the femoral artery in the femoral sheath. . The cat is restrained in lateral recumbancy. Proper and improper ways to restrain a cat for a cephalic blood draw. The vein ascends to the inguinal region where it passes posterior to the inguinal ligament as the external iliac vein to enter the abdomen. Proximal to the confluence with the deep femoral vein the femoral vein is commonly known as the common femoral vein. Use the jugular vein in cats and small dogs to prevent occlusion of fluid flow when the animals limb is bent. Catheter - Femoral Vein. I will also show you the major...